About Heal Mental

Trusted Help for Mental Wellness.

Qualified Guidance for Emotional Health. Specialized Assistance for Psychological Well-being.
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Our Services: Addressing Subtle Influences

We offer specialized services focused on the identification and elimination of subtle influences that can impact your well-being. One type of subtle influence is magical influence; however, it is important to recognize that magical influences represent only a small portion of the broader spectrum of subtle influences that exist.

Throughout life, individuals may unconsciously connect with various egregores—collective energetic fields—that exert significant influence over them. Examples of such egregores include those associated with addictions (such as alcohol, video games, or overeating) as well as ancestral egregores. These egregores can establish complex subtle structures within an individual’s energetic field, leading to a range of physical and psychological health issues, which can often manifest as chronic or difficult-to-treat conditions. It is crucial to understand that any disease is essentially a form of interference within a person’s subtle fields.

This interference often involves subtle mechanisms that operate according to specific programs within a person’s energetic field, as well as entities that manage and regulate these influences through established contracts and impact programs. All of this activity occurs within a spectrum that is typically invisible to the human eye.

To effectively address and heal any disease, it is essential to identify and understand the underlying cause. This understanding is a critical component of the healing process. Without this knowledge, it is unlikely that a disease can be permanently resolved; even if symptoms temporarily subside, the condition may eventually return. Every disease serves as a signal to address or correct certain life situations. Recognizing this is the first key to successful treatment. However, understanding the cause alone is often not sufficient to eliminate the disease. During our diagnostic stage, we provide a comprehensive explanation of this process to our clients.

In addition to addressing physical ailments, we also work to eliminate sources of fear, anxiety, depression, emotional blocks, and complexes that individuals may carry for years, often extending from past lives. These negative influences are frequently inherited and passed down through generations.

We also assist clients in understanding the root causes of their addictions, offering insights into why overcoming these challenges independently can be difficult. Furthermore, we offer one of the most unique services available today—removal of attachments. As with physical ailments, successful intervention requires an understanding of the cause of the attachment and the structures to which the attached entity or entities are connected. We provide this and other critical information during our diagnostic stage to ensure effective treatment.

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Unlocking Perspectives: Insights & Reflections


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